Dr. Rabindrans Hospital
Dr Rabindrans is a Pediatrics/Paediatrics hospital located in Ambattur, Chennai. The hospital is run by Neonotalogist like Dr Rohit Bhardwaj. The timings of the Rabindrans Health Care Center is very suitable Mon to Sun 00:00-23:55. Healthcare services are provided to the patients for immediate healing and improving the medical condition of each patient suffering from diseases & illness. The most significant healthcare services are provided at our hospital like Gastrointestinal Disorders, New Born Care, Nutritional Assessment, Biophysical Profile, and Patient Counselling, etc. Dr Rabindrans Hospital is a well-renowned health care service provider with urgent care dealing with a variety of challenges related to patient and satisfying them with quality care.
It is determined how some public hospitals are serving humanity by achieving excellence in the healthcare industry. However, some of them are facing multiple issues like less revenue, old infrastructure and lack of advanced medical equipment. This is where in local areas hospital owners are not updated with technology how bringing miracle changes to the health care firms with a robust digital software solution.
We determine the cause of challenges faced by local and modern healthcare organizations they are not associated with technology. Financial challenges are the major problems faced due to lack of productivity and less revenue. Nowadays health care expenses are on the rise and return on investment is very low. It is putting them into the pressure that will be resulting in poor patient care.
Poor communication is another leading challenge which results in less patient satisfaction. No facility for appointment booking for patients at least it helps in saving both time & energy. It eliminates long queues and crowds at hospitals/clinics
Medical staff and clinical nurse shortage is also another responsible factor, hospitals need huge resources to manage a large number of patients every day. But the fact is, public hospitals have limited resources and no advance equipment which aims at establishing a full-fledged healthcare facility for the general public.
We understand the factors which contribute to achieving excellence in the healthcare industry. To do so, we are assisting small, large or medium hospitals or clinics with Hospital Management Software at an affordable cost. This comes with comprehensive features that made hospital work easier and smarter by reducing stressful burdensome work. To serve the purpose Hospital Software digitally serves best in the industry. It automates entire hospital functions like reception management, prescribing, patient data, appointment scheduling, invoice & billing etc.
In short, these were the major responsibilities required for individual staff and resources, but now a single software taking place to cater all of your demands at a hospital. Where the medical department was experiencing poor challenges like long queues, patient crowd who was leaving without being seen or getting frustrated due to long wait time in the queue. But now digital software is taking place to solve such problems and beat the challenges to improve the quality of care.
The Result
By installing Hospital Software all publicly owned hospitals almost satisfied by automating their running hospital. It caters all the demands and gaining popularity in the healthcare sector. Within a single software, hospital workflow got simpler and easier by improving health care procedures at a fast pace. Hospital Software is an exclusive solution with the most comprehensive features enable a user for data collection, real-time reporting and multi-branch connectivity as well.