Dialysis Management Software
Dialysis Software is the most compatible system designed for comprehensive data collection and medical information. It simplifies Dialysis specialty hospital workflow and provides an ease to the doctors. A software streamlines entire healthcare practices of patient data and discharge summary. Only healthcare professionals and caregivers understand the value of digital software involves amazing features to reduce burdensome work. The treatment plans related to kidney diseases and demographic details feature is inbuilt to facilitate doctor professionals with a smart healthcare management system. All in one software contributes to delivering quality care to every patient because doctors don’t need to spend much time to keep control over health care practices. We have developed the best tool to serve best in the industry to deliver better care.
A Dialysis Software is adopted for patient data management like daily dialysis routine, documentation and data storage. It facilitates healthcare professionals by enabling them for safe dialysis treatments to become safer and more efficient within just a few clicks. Machine integration allows quick information exchange between devices, generating customized bills and managing subsequent patient visits. Digital software speeds up the process and gives a significant contribution to improve health care practices and treatment quality.
Dialysis Software Includes Following Modules
The modules we have inbuilt after studying and evaluating the needs of Nephrology or kidney diseases to take care of overall hospital activities accordingly. It involves all the features in a single software solution to keep secure all the necessary information of pre-dialysis patients, Hemodialysis patients, peritoneal dialysis and renal transplanted patients. It solves all the clinical and administrative management aspects of Nephrology.
- Patients Management
- Doctors Management
- OPD Management
- Dialysis Management
- Prescription & Procedure
- Invoice and Billing
- Reports & Summaries
- Utilities

Dialysis Software Includes Following Features
A software system is very useful which assists doctors to digitally move for healthcare practice management. It contributes to enhance control and to get real-time reporting. Here a patient receives an auto-generated prescription, digital billing and auto-generated reports, that is resulting in maximizing staff productivity and eliminating tedious manual scheduling as well. There are some dominant features are following as:
- Patient Management
- Doctors Management
- OPD Management
- Dialysis Appointment
- Dialysis Booking
- Dialysis Package
- Dialysis Prescription
- Dialysis Scheduling
- Dialysis Summary
- Dialysis Inventory
- Dialysis Investigation
- Culture & Cleaning Schedule
- Daily RO Checklist
- Nephrology Records
- Hemodialysis Records
- Blood & other consent Forms
- Vitals Monitoring
- Trending Reports
- Dialysis Prescription with Pre/Intra/Post Dialysis features & Monitoring of all
- Invoicing & Billing
- MIS Reports
- Barcode Integration
- SMS/Email/Whatsapp Notification Alert
- Machine Integration