The Best Ophthalmology Software
EMR Software for Ophthalmology has developed by keeping the demands in mind of Ophthalmic Hospitals/Clinics. We understand the patient examine and workflow system for ophthalmologists at clinics. In today’s time, many problems have been noticed like revenue issue, patient long hours waiting, medication or test report error and insufficient resources manage overall aspects. Ophthalmology healthcare is the most important factor must be taken good care. Thus, this information management software solution is to simplify administration and patient reports and records for quick tracking.
This software is a basic essential to manage the workflow of ophthalmology hospital and ophthalmology care center as well as bringing operational efficiency and boost up productivity. Ophthalmology Clinic Software Software digitizes overall activities including centralized data records, reduce patient waiting time, control operational challenges, e-prescribing, and billing reports, etc. To enhance growth and profitability this software installation has been a vital necessity for collecting clinical patients’ records and streamline the workflow.
Best Ophthalmology Software comes along with comprehensive features cover the entire patient journey with a fully integrated system, patient digital imaging, patient communication & more. It serves better in-patients who visit your clinic for any kind of treatment. Our software is the best solution for Ophthalmologist professionals to digitally manage their business.
Get your Patients notified about their Receipts/Reports/Prescription & even schedule next Appointment through Mobile App

Ophthalmology Software Includes Following Modules
The next generation can’t imagine an electronic management system, screen icons or tabs are like your smartphone. Easy on the hand and scalable for ophthalmology healthcare. Now doctors can focus more on patient care rather than documentation because it auto-generated just by entering the patient’s details. These are stunning modules allows the smooth run of entire practices and management system following as:
- Online Appointment Management
- E-Prescription Management
- Systemic Illness
- Multi Branch Connectivity
- Biometry Details
- Pictorial Test
- Examination
- Diagnosis
- Medications
- OT Management
- Billing
- Reports
- Utilities
Ophthalmology Software Includes Following Features
Sara Technologies has developed EMR Software for Ophthalmology with a user-friendly interface by understanding the severe challenges of the Ophthalmology Care Center/Clinic to retain its comfortability and diminish paperwork in all aspects. Additionally, capturing and collecting data quickly, safely and securely.
Salient Features
- Online Appointment Management
- E-Prescription Management
- Chief Complaints
- Systemic History
- Opthalmic History
- Biometry Details
- Refraction
- Drug Allergies
- ICD-10
- Examination
- Diagnosis
- OT Management
- Billing
- Reports
- Utilities
- Patient Mobile App

Machine Interfaces
- Email Integration
- Barcode Verification
- SMS Integration

Benefits Of Using Ophthalmology EMR Software:
Specialty and ophthalmology care hospital software guarantee certain benefits with superior management operation with sufficient safety & security. Changing traditional ways of collecting reports as paperwork, prescribing medicine and preparing bills have been replaced with the smart software installation. These are the primary benefits of using Ophthalmology Clinic Software following as:
- Transparency & Control Over Operation
- Easy & Quick Operation
- Grow Your Ophthalmology Clinic Practice
- Skip Paperwork
- Encourage Hospital Intelligent Performance
- Save Precious Time
- Increase Patient Satisfaction
- Strategic Automation
- Quick & Faster
- Auto Reminder
- Cost Efficient